Ballet Spartanburg is funded in part by Chapman Cultural Center, its donors, the County and City of Spartanburg and the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the arts and the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC.
In 2017, The Spartanburg County Foundation awarded a community initiatives technology grant for the design of a new website designed by A-LINE Interactive. The website launched January 2018. We are so grateful to The Spartanburg County Foundation and it's trust in our vision and mission. Thank you.
Ballet Spartanburg's Artistic Director, Carlos Agudelo, was awarded the South Carolina Governor's Award from the South Carolina Arts Commission on May 23, 2023, at the Chapman Cultural Center. The award was presented by Mr. David Platt, Executive Director of the South Carolina Arts Commission. "We recognize the unparalleled energy, enthusiasm, devotion and love for dance that Carlos has gifted to our community out of his passion for all to experience the arts for the past 32 years. We are overjoyed that Carlos has been recognized by the South Carolina Arts Commission, " Teresa S. Berline, Executive Director. "The South Carolina Arts Commission is an extraordinary organization in our state which promotes and advocates opportunities in the arts which values equality, access, diversity and inclusion. Ballet Spartanburg is honored by the support of the South Carolina Arts Commission and the recognition of Carlos Agudelo."